The following genealogy is that of the descendants of Robert Florey of Standlake, England, and it represents the most extensive genealogy of any English family that we have yet to uncover. The core of it comes to this site via the courtesy of Bill Flory, editor of the Flory, Flora, Fleury Newsletter. It was given to him by Susan Goodenough, one of Robert Florey's descendants, and editor of the English Flory newsletter.  The information about the Floreys of Standlake in Oxfordshire came originally from  Mrs. Joan Goadby, and all of the information regarding the Floreys/ Flurrys etc from Bedfont and Stanwell onwards originates from Susan Goodenough's research.  Since then, I have been in touch with David Holme, Elizabeth Fry, and Janet Ansell, all current researchers of this family and all of whom were kind enough to pass on additional, and in some cases substantial material. I am grateful for their generous support.

   The most famous Florey on this chart is Sir Howard Walter Florey, who was born in Adelaide, Australia on September 24, 1898.  Sir Howard's father, Joseph, emigrated to Australia from England in the 1880's. 

   The original document that I transcribed for this site was done in pen, and, while I took care in my representations, I am not always certain of their accuracy. In many cases, the supplemental material mentioned above was helpful in correcting some of my errors in transcriptions. Most of the early birth dates and death dates listed are really baptismal and burial dates, so the researcher of this family should proceed with caution. The name of Florey is variously spelled as "Florey," "Flory," "Fleury," "Flury," and "Flurry" among the descendants, and records will often show different spellings for the same individual. There are one or two examples of ultimate intermarriage within the family. The early Floreys seem to have been primarily farmers, grocery store operators, and shoe makers.

   At this point, I don't know how many various Florey family lines are extant in England, and I would love to hear from you if you have access to any others. There were 5 or 6 immigrant Flory families that came to the United States in the 17th and 18th centuries, but so far I have been unable to connect the line below with any of them. Still, it appears likely that this chart, as extensive as it is, does not represent nearly the whole, and there may be yet discovered some connection with America. Moreover, the original church registers can be confusing, and there are some discrepancies in various lists.