One of the more interesting Flory figures to arrive in America was Edward Flurry, who was an English indentured servant sentenced for transportation at Old Bailey on April 12, 1738 and transported here in that same year to either Maryland or Virginia (Peter Coldham, English Convicts in Colonial America). Thomas Florie (Flora), the founder of the A-Line, was also a bonded English immigrant. He was transported here in 1720 on the ship Gilbert. At this point, there is no evidence to suggest that Edward and Thomas were brothers, or even related. The possibility that there was a connection between the two is intriguing, however.
Whatever the case, there is no specific proof that there are known descendants for Edward Flurry, but conjectural evidence indicates that this is probably a living line. There was a comment on one of the FLORY listservs that Edward, along with his two sons and a wife or daughter, was active in the Revolution. Gladys Donson has uncovered "a whole bunch" of Flurrys in Charles County, Maryland, among whom in the 1790 census are several Edward Flurrys listed as heads of household. In 1791, the following FLOWRY males were included on a list of 271 subscribers to a fund for repairing the Durham Parish Church in Charles County: Henry, William, Elias, John, Edward Jr., and Goodwin. (Historic Graves of Maryland and the District of Columbia, Ridgely, 1908). There is record of a Henley Flurry living in Georgia in the latter part of the eighteenth century who also might be descended from Edward. Henley married a woman with the family name of Maddox, a name that is quite common in the Charles Country area. The aforementioned 1790 census for Charles County lists a William Flurry, an Edward Flurry, an Edward Flurry, Jr., and a John Flurry, all with children and all with slaves. If they migrated from the area, it would have been further South, and at least one of these families might have made it to Georgia. Again, all of this is conjectural, but so far these Maryland Flurrys have not been connected to any other Flory line.
There is a record of a WILLIAM FLURY born circa 1730 in Chowan Co., North Carolina, who married a MARGARET HAUGHTON on May 6, 1752 and who may be related to EDWARD FLURRY, but probably is not. The marriage information can be found in the pamphlet “The (Fleury) Flurry Line,” by Rufus Thurmon Flurry, dated April 1983 and The Early Marriage Records of North Carolina. In the same marriage records, Thomas Dermody married Ann FLEURY on Jul. 6, 1769 and Margaret FLEURY (widow) married Robert Miller on June 27, 1772. Both marriages were in Chowan County. William's probable birth date of 1730 would preclude him from being descended from Edward, who did not arrive in this country until 1738. William Flury probably died at Valley Forge on March 16, 1778. Henry Flury is cited in the Chowan Co. Deed Books in 1802. The “Secretary of State Revolutionary War Military Papers” in the NC State Archives (Folder 101) mention that he is the brother and only heir of the William FLURY who died in 1778. This William Flury may have been the father of William Flury ,with descendants in Mississippi, who is the subject of an off-site genealogy. At this point, William Flury cannot be linked with any other known family, including the Carolina Flury's of the F-Line that have been investigated so well by Donna O'Malley on another page on this site..
There are other unlinked Flury families throughout the early South who conceivably could have some connection with Edward, but this is all speculation. Still, there are enough tantalizing hints in genealogical records to suggest that the EDWARD FLURRY line may be extant and relatively wide-spread, and I have included a speculative possible genealogy below for the purpose of discussion. We have elevated EDWARD FLURRY to the position of immigrant father in an effort to encourage further scholarship. Please contact me at the following link if you can add to our knowledge of EDWARD and his descendants: Edward Flurry Genealogy.
The following is EDWARD FLURRY'S court and criminal record from Old Bailey in England.
49, 50. James Graham and Edward Flurry were indicted for stealing 4 leather Shoes, val. 5 s. the Goods of Robert Gibson , in his Shop, March 1. Both Guilty 4 s. 10 d. 51. James Graham a second Time, and John Blackwell , were indicted for stealing a Hat and a Crape Hatband, value 2 s. the Goods of John Lamb . Guilty 10 d. Edward Flurry and James Graham , were again indicted for stealing 1 Holland Shirt, value 10 s. 3 qrs.of a Yard of Cambrick, value 5 s. a pair of Scissars, value 2 s the Goods of Matthias Lelio Hillsburgh, 52. Mary Perry, otherwise Peachum, for receiving a Holland Shirt, parcel of the said Edward Flurry was sentenced for transportation on April 12, 1738 |
Listed here is a highly speculative genealogy for Edward Flurry that has been gathered together from a number of sources on the Internet. I have not researched any of this myself, and I cannot attest to the reliability of any of the information given below. This list is intended simply to be a start in developing a more comprehensive genealogy of the family. If you have any information to add or any corrections to make, please email me by clicking on this link: Edward Flurry Genealogy. I am particularly interested in the first several generations.